martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Haris Chandra

[The story of Haris Chandra in this Purâna follows the vedic version. The gist of the story is that in the course of further evolution the Devas were to be propitiated by human sacrifice. But this sacrifice did not mean killing. It was the complete offering of oneself up to the service of the gods. The mission of the human victim is to constantly work for the good of the Universe and to extinguish his own personality. Sûnahśepha was not killed in the sacrifice. He was offered up to the service of the gods. After the sacrifice, he was called Devarâta i.e. one offered to the Devas. Visvâmitra adopted Devarâta as his own son and he asked his hundred sons to accept him as their eldest brother. He disowned those sons that did not obey him (Bhâgavata IX-16). Therefore Visvâmitra took the principal part in this sacrifice and not Vasistha, though he was the family preceptor.]
Haris Chandra
  Champa (founder of Champâ)
His enemies dispossesed Bahuka of his kingdom. He went to the forest accompanied by his wives. When he died, the eldest queen prepared herself for death also. Rishi Aurva knew her to be big with child, and dissuaded her from accompanying her husband on to the funeral pyre. The co-wives of the queen, out of jealousy, gave her poison. The child was born with this poison, therefore he was called Sagara (Sa = with, gara = poison.) Sagara became a great king. The Seas were dug by his sons. He was prevented by Rishi Aurva from taking the lives of the Tâlajanghas, Yavanas, Sakas, Haihayas, and Barbars. But he made them change their outward look. He performed an Asvamedha sacrifice as advised by Aurva and Indra stole the sacrificial horse.
Tomado de: A Study of the Bhagavata Purana or Esoteric Hinduism

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